Solltet Ihr einen Newsletter verpasst haben, hier sind alle ab dem August 2016
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Beitrag von Ralf » 08.04.2022, 18:43

English version see below.

WICHTIG: In der Regel bekommen wir bei jedem Newsletter ca. 5% der versendeten Mais als unzustellbar zurück.
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Dieser Newsletter ist an alle Kunden und Nutzer gegangen, die eine Demo-Verlängerung beantragt hatten.

Kunden bekommen in unserer Osteraktion bis Ende es Jahres selbst für alte Lizenzen mindestens 10% Gutschrift

Näheres hier ...

Newsletter als PDF zum Download: ... -04-08.pdf
Hier als Screenshot:

Der Newsletter in Englisch:

Dear customer
Dear Customer,

No sooner is an end in sight for Corona than new worries are coming to us all. The hunger for power of a single person leads to unbearable suffering in Ukraine. We feel these effects so far "fortunately" only with the prices...

As money is getting tighter and tighter for many, I would like to increase our Easter discount to 15% this year.
Our promotion runs from now until and including 20.4.2022.

Simply enter the following coupon code in our store:

Our motto has always been:
A program can still be so perfect, we always find something to improve ...

From telephone conversations with customers I know that many have not yet noticed that DVR-Studio UHD 2 is now completely usable offline without Internet. More about this here...

What many also do not know:
- You can use DVR-Studio UHD 2 with only one license now also simultaneously on 2 PCs.
- A move of the license as for example with DVR-Studio HD does not exist any more.
- All functions of the old add-on products DVR-Disc UHD and DVR-Compress 2 are included in the license of DVR-Studio UHD 2 for free.

From this point of view, DVR-Studio UHD 2 is not only more comprehensive and powerful, but also considerably cheaper than all previous DVR-Studio versions.

On top of that:
Compensations for old licenses often make the switch a bargain for existing customers. More about this here...

Also our movie management DVR-Provider 3 has changed a lot:
- You can now group continuations of movies, similar to series, into movie series.
- Data from foreign management programs TinyMediaManager are taken over 1:1 without any effort.
- There are several new tools for the maintenance of the film archive.
- With an Oppo Player, ISO images with menu can be called from DVR Provider 3 as if you had inserted the DVD or BluRay on the player. After that all functions of the Oppo Player are controllable via the DVR-Provider 3.

To keep you up to date, our programs already offer new free updates automatically when you use them.
Independently of that, I maintain an overview in the forum for each product in the section "History of our products", where all changes are listed. If you want to get more information about the new features, just click on "(more info)" behind the version number in the forum.
- For infos about the 7 free updates of DVR-Studio UHD 2.x and DVR-Recode UHD 2.x click here...
- For info about the 10 free updates of DVR-Provider 3.x click here...

I would be glad if you would take the time to test our products without obligation during the upcoming free days. Installed other products from us will not be affected by this.
If you had used DVR-Studio UHD2 before and it shows "Demo expired", no problem:
Simply click on "Request new demo period" in the program, fill out the mask and submit. I get all the necessary data to reset the demo period.

I wish you and your family a happy Easter and peaceful holidays.
But the most important thing is: I hope you are healthy and stay that way!

With kind regards

Ralf Haenlein
Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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